About Me

Since childhood, software development has been my passion. Throughout school, I latched on to any ideas for projects I could get, moving from "Hello World" all the way to a simple Bank Managment System, with dozens of projects in between. I learned C, then C++, tearing through any books I could find on anything remotely related to software development. I was insatiable.
This passion carried me through to the engineering. Here I studied new languages, algorithms, Object Oriented Programming, Higher mathematics, Computer Networks, Operatig System all with pretty much the same fascination that drove me as a kid. And it was here that I learned truly how much there was yet to learn.
So, now this passion remains with me. There's certainly yet more to learn even after building so many web apps in modern technologies, yet more things to learn, and yet more to build. And for this, I am very excited.

Eduaction: B.Tech-Information Technology: GGSIPU,New Delhi, 3.2GPA, 2021 Batch


  • Data Structures & Algo
  • C/C++
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • ReactJS
  • Bootstrap
  • NodeJS
  • MongoDB



A clean, modern, effective Ecommerce website build in ReactJs, a single page web application where number of reusuable components are used having multiple features.

Tech Stack:HTML,CSS,JS,Bootstrap,ReactJs,JSON,API,etc.


A social media platform where multiple authenticated users can ask and answer to questions, post, like, comment. Also other features like Users Profile Update ,become a member by social auth etc.

Tech Stack : HTML,CSS,JS,MongoDB,NodeJs, ExpressJs,etc.